Building Mental Resilience Through Preventative Health

It’s been over a year in a global pandemic. I’ve noticed that my structure for support is has been fluid over the months. The seasons change and so do my priorities and patterns, and I’ve noticed that with spring, my routine became more optional than when it was winter.

During the winter it was dark by the time I ended work, and I would head straight to my yoga mat for a class or a workout session. It became habituated, and it felt nourishing.

Come spring with the sunny weather and invitation to begin working the ground and gardening, or just being outside to feel the sun on my face, I became less interested in my indoor workout routine. My pattern needed to be changed, but I wasn’t intentional in changing it to my shifting needs.

Practices in preventative (key word) health mean that we have practices even when we don’t seem to need them.

It’s consistency that makes a long-term difference and builds resilience. What it looks like is always up to you.

A couple of areas to consider:

  • what foods nourish you and make you feel alive and well?

  • how will you continue to practice stillness/meditation?

  • how will you continue your self-inquiry?

Feeding your body, relaxing your nervous system, and creating space for releasing thoughts in your head all play a role in maintaining wellness and building mental resilience.

What are your favourite practices?

