An Alternative Approach to Reducing Anxiety

I’m wired to go deeper, to create space and seek the root of what’s going on. I enjoy talking about feelings. It’s where I’m most comfortable, and one of the reasons why I’ve developed the mental resilience that I have. And, it’s a practice for me to be on the surface. Today, it’s about going deep.

Generally what I witness with people who have specific phobias anxiety, and what I’ve experienced myself, is that there’s a worst-case scenario that we’re trying to avoid.

Anxiety is characterized by excessive worrying, and generally, the treatment approach is to find evidence that the worry won’t materialize.

The problem with this is that you can always find evidence - for either side.

I’m more curious to ask one further question, to dig a bit deeper to understand what the core fear is that manifests as anxiety.

Understanding the root cause, and not just managing the symptoms, allows you to take steps to heal that part of you and reduce the symptomatic triggers. See my post “Do you have anxiety? Read this” for a deeper dive into what this looks like.

And - it’s your journey. You get to decide and there is nothing wrong with what you determine is your path. Mental health is complex and nuanced, and this post is offering a place to look, not the whole picture.

Being with you shining some light into the dark.

