All content, photos and recipes on Gather + Stay are protected.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. If you'd like to repost one of our photos, you are welcome to repost one (1) image provided that you give full and clear credit to Kristin Price at Gather + Stay where it is prominent to the reader and link back to the original post. Failure to do so is a copyright violation.

If you'd like to share one of my recipes or articles, do not copy and paste the content directly, instead link back to the original post on my blog. Duplicate content hurts Google rankings for your site and mine. If you make a variation on, or substantially different version of one of my recipes, feel free to share it; a link back would be much appreciated. If you are inspired by an article that I've written, please appropriately quote and reference my insights through linking to the article.